Chapter 3 Theory of Operation
AT-MIO-16X User Manual 3-10
National Instruments Corporation
acquisition sequence that employs external conversion timing,
conversions are inhibited by the hardware until a trigger condition is
received, then the programmed number of conversions occurs, and
conversions are inhibited after the sequence completes. When using
internal timing, the EXTCONV* signal at the I/O connector must be
left unconnected or in the high-impedance state.
Data acquisition can be controlled by the onboard sample counter. This
counter is loaded with the number of posttrigger samples to be taken
during a data acquisition operation. The sample counter can be 16-bit
for counts up to 65,535 or 32-bit for counts up to 2
- 1. If a 16-bit
counter is needed, Counter 4 of the Am9513A Counter/Timer is used.
If more than 16-bits are needed, Counter 4 is concatenated with
Counter 5 of the Am9513A to form a 32-bit counter. The sample
counter decrements its count each time the sample-interval counter
generates an A/D conversion pulse, and the sample counter stops the
data acquisition process when it counts down to zero. The sample
counter can also be used to count conversions generated by external
conversion signals.
The configuration memory register is set up to select the analog input
channel and configuration before data acquisition is initiated for a
single-channel data acquisition sequence. These settings remain
constant during the entire data acquisition process; therefore, all A/D
conversions are performed on a single channel. Single-channel
acquisition is enabled through a register in the AT-MIO-16X register
set. The data acquisition process can be initiated via software or
by applying an active low pulse to the EXTTRIG* input on the
AT-MIO-16X I/O connector. Figure 3-5 shows the timing of a typical
single-channel data acquisition sequence.
Figure 3-5. Single-Channel Posttrigger Data Acquisition Timing
9 8
Sample CTR
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 9