
Chapter 4 Register Map and Descriptions
AT-MIO-16X User Manual 4-8
National Instruments Corporation
concatenated with Counter 5 to control
conversion counting. A 16-bit count
mode can be used if the number of A/D
sample conversions to be performed is
less than 65,537. A 32-bit count mode
should be used if the number of A/D
sample conversions to be performed is
greater than or equal to 65,537.
4 RTSITRIG RTSI Trigger—This bit controls multiple
board synchronization through RTSI Bus
triggering. If RTSITRIG is set, then
triggering of the data acquisition
sequence by another National
Instruments board over the RTSI bus is
enabled. Otherwise, if RTSITRIG is
cleared, the data acquisition sequence is
triggered by the onboard Start DAQ
Register or a high-to-low transition on
the EXTTRIG* signal at the I/O
Connector. When this bit is set, the local
DAQ Start Register and the EXTTRIG*
signal have no effect.
3-0 0 Reserved—These bits must always be set
to zero.