
TI5 Interface Option
The -TI5 Option uses Texas Instruments’ Direct Connect protocol for
communicating to TI Series 505 PLC’s. All models in the TI500/505 Series
have an RS232C serial port on the CPU module. The T-60 Series -TI5 Option
uses this port for communication to the PLC. Both the T-60 and T-61 auto
detect the communication parameters, so no setup is needed to get the two
devices communicating. The only caution is to make sure that no passwords
exist that would not allow the T-60 Series unit access to the programming
The -TI5 Option comes with the proper cable to interface to a TI 505 Series
PLC. For those who need to change the length of the cable, the proper
connections are shown below:
Command Variations:
The following table will help make the terminology of the previous sections
make more sense with respect to the TI Series 505 documentation. It is a
cross reference between the Memory Type in the PLC documentation and the
cmd for the CALL PLCREAD and CALL PLCWRITE commands.
Figure 24
T-60 Series to TI Series 305 or TI
Series 405 RS232C
Communication Connections
T-60 Operator's Manual