Builder Mode
The Builder Mode is the heart of the ApplicationBuilder package. It allows
you to easily develop a control and interface program, test the operator
interface functionality of the program, and then generate the proper BASIC
code to run in a T-60. You accomplish this by generating “Pseudocode”. You
can enter a line of Pseudocode by pressing F5, finding the appropriate
Pseudocode for the task you want to accomplish, pressing Enter, and
following the instructions for entering the requested data. You write a
program in Pseudocode that represents what you want the interface and
control program to do. Not all of the functionality of the Emerson BASIC is
represented in Pseudocodes. At any time in the process of generating the
program you find that you need functionality that the current Pseudocodes
don’t provide, you can press F6 and enter BASIC directly. Once you have a
Pseudocode (and possibly Basic) representation of what you want your
program to do, you press F8 which converts your Pseudocode program into a
line numbered BASIC program.
The EDITOR functions are available while operating the BUILDER. You can
cut and copy text blocks from one section of your Pseudocode to another.
Refer to the EDITOR for operation examples.
Operating the Builder
The box in the lower left hand corner of your computer screen is a
representation of your T-60’s screen. While you are generating your
Pseudocode program, any line of code that generates information that will be
displayed on the LCD display will show up here. Text, soft key labels,
placeholders for variable and operator numeric entry will all show up and can
be moved to any legal location you desire. You will find that as you move the
cursor down from Pseudocode line to Pseudocode line, the screen will build up
one line at a time in synchronization with the Pseudocode line you are on.
There are a few other important keys and keystrokes to keep in mind. Ctrl-Y
will delete the line of Pseudocode where the cursor is currently located. Cut,
Copy and Paste are all functions which allow blocks of Pseudocode to be
manipulated. Pressing F5 when the cursor is on a line of Pseudocode will
add a new line of Pseudocode above the cursor location. Pressing Enter while
on a line of Pseudocode will allow you to edit that line.The Pseudocode you
generate will be organized into Screens. Each screen will have a name
(defined by the SCREEN Pseudocode). The GOTO screen and SOFTKEY
Pseudocodes will allow your program to move from screen to screen. F2, F3,
and F4 help you navigate through your Pseudocode program as you are
developing it. If you are on a line of Pseudocode that defines a GOTO or
GOSUB to a screen or a label and press F2, the cursor will move to the
beginning of that screen or to that label. F4 will send you to the beginning of
the next screen definition. F3 will send you to the beginning of the previous
screen definition. These function keys become increasingly helpful as your
programs get longer and more involved.
T-60 Operator's Manual