7 - 11
7.5 High speed monitor function
7.5.1 Summary
High speed monitor function is a function for monitoring current command position and current feedback
position etc. It becomes valid after system is started up, and monitor data is updated every control cycle.
The data that can be referenced with the high speed monitor function are the following 6 items.
Data item Units Data size (Note 1) Address Remarks
Current command
Command units 4 byte A000h
20h (n 1) Same as monitor No.300, 301
Current feedback
Command units 4 byte A004h
20h (n 1) Same as monitor No.302, 303
Moving speed Speed units 4 byte A008h 20h (n 1) Same as monitor No.304, 305
Feedback moving
Speed units 4 byte A00Ch
20h (n 1)
Same as monitor No.316, 317
Electrical current
0.1% 2 byte A010h
20h (n 1)
Same as monitor No.20B
External signal status
(Note 2)
2 byte A012h
20h (n 1)
Same as monitor No.320
Position droop
(Note 3)
pulse 4 byte A014h
20h (n 1) Same as monitor No.204, 205
Note 1. n is the axis number.
2. The sensor status specified at the sensor input option (parameter No.0219) is displayed for the
external signal status.
3. The position droop monitor is supported by software version A4 or later and only in interface mode.
Use the following functions to get high speed monitor data.
Current command position : sscGetCurrentCmdPositionFast
Current feedback position : sscGetCurrentFbPositionFast
Moving speed : sscGetCmdSpeedFast
Feedback moving speed : sscGetFbSpeedFast
Electrical current feedback : sscGetCurrentFbFast
External signal status : sscGetIoStatusFast