5 - 37
[Encoder Z-phase mask amount]
When the stop position is near the encoder Z-phase by the dispersion, the Z-phase position to be the home
position can be fixed by setting encoder Z-phase mask amount.
1) When stop position is before the encoder Z-phase
Mask encoder Z-phase in this section.
Z-phase pulse
Z-phase mask amount
(parameter No.0250, 0251)
Home positionStop position
2) When stop position is after the encoder Z-phase
Z-phase pulse
Z-phase mask amount
(parameter No.0250, 0251)
Stop position Home position
Note1. When the stop position disperses largely, the home position may change by one revolution of the motor even when
encoder Z-phase mask amount is set. In this case, adjust command speed to reduce the dispersion.
2. When the following conditions are satisfied in the calculation of Z-phase mask amount, Z-phase mask amount
setting error (operation alarm 9C, detail 01) occurs when the operation starts and home position return cannot be
executed. Reexamine the setting value of the Z-phase mask amount.
(a) The value calculated by Z-phase mask amount
electronic gear numerator (CMX) electronic gear
denominator (CDV) exceeds 32 bits.
(b) The value calculated by the Z-phase mask amount
the travel distance to the Z-phase exceeds 32 bits.