14 - 15
14.4.2 Write commands
(1) Status display (Command [8][1])
Command Data No. Description Setting Range Frame length
[8] [1] [0] [0] Status display data erasure 1EA5 4
(2) Parameters (Command [8][4]
Command Data No. Description Setting Range Frame length
[8] [4] [0] [1] to [F]
Write of parameters
Writes the values of the parameters in the parameter
group specified with the command
[8][5] + data No. [0][0]. Before writing the values,
therefore, always specify the parameter group with the
command [8][5] + data No. [0][0].
The decimal equivalent of the data No. value
(hexadecimal) corresponds to the parameter number.
Depending on the
[8] [5] [0] [0] Parameter group write
0000: Basic setting parameter (No. PA
0001: Gain filter parameter (No. PB
0002: Extension setting parameter (No. PC
0003: I/O setting parameter (No. PD
0009: Option unit parameter (No. Po
0000 to 0003
0009 4
(3) External I/O signal (Command [9][2])
Command Data No. Description Setting Range Frame length
[9] [2] [6] [0] Communication input device signal Refer to section 15.5.5 8
[6] [1]
[6] [2]
(4) Alarm history (Command [8][2])
Command Data No. Description Setting Range Frame length
[8] [2] [2] [0] Alarm history erasure 1EA5 4
(5) Current alarm (Command [8][2])
Command Data No. Description Setting Range Frame length
[8] [2] [0] [0] Alarm erasure 1EA5 4
(6) Point table/position data (Command [C][0])
Command Data No. Description Setting range Frame length
[C][0] [0][1] to [F][F] Position data write
The decimal equivalent of the data No. value
(hexadecimal) corresponds to the Point table No.
999999 to 999999 8
(7) Point table/speed data (Command [C][6])
Command Data No. Description Setting range Frame length
[C][6] [0][1] to [F][F] Speed data write
The decimal equivalent of the data No. value
(hexadecimal) corresponds to the Point table No.
0 to Permissible
instantaneous speed