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5.1.5 Using absolute position detection system
Unit Setting range
No. Symbol Name
PA03 *ABS Absolute position detection system 0000h Refer to the text.
This parameter is made valid when power is switched off, then on after
setting, or when the controller reset has been performed.
Set this parameter when using the absolute position detection system.
Selection of absolute position detection system (refer to Section 4.9)
0: Used in incremental system
1: Used in absolute position detection system
Parameter No. PA03
5.1.6 Follow-up for absolute value command system in incremental system
Unit Setting range
No. Symbol Name
PA04 *AOP1 Function selection A-1 0000h Refer to the text.
This parameter is made valid when power is switched off, then on after
setting, or when the controller reset has been performed.
If this parameter is made valid, the home position is not lost in the servo-off or forced stop state, and the
operation can be resumed when the servo-on (SON) or forced stop (EMG) is deactivated.
Parameter No. PA04
Servo-on (SON) -off, forced stop (EMG) -off
follow-up for absolute value command
in incremental system
0: Invalid
1: Valid
Normally, when this servo amplifier is used
in the absolute value command method of the
incremental system, placing it in a servo off or
forced stop status will erase the home position.
When "1" is set in this parameter, the home
position will not be erased if the servo amplifier is
placed in a servo-off or forced stop status.
The operation can be resumed when the servo-on
(SON) or forced stop (EMG) is deactivated.