4 - 6
(2) Point table
(a) Point table setting
Up to 15 point tables may be set. To use point table No.s 4 to 31, however, the point table No.
selection 3 (DI2), point table No. selection 4 (DI3) and point table No. selection 5 (DI4) should be
made valid in "I/O Devices" on the MR Configurator (servo configuration software).
Set the point tables using the MR Configurator (servo configuration software) or the servo
amplifier operation section.
The following table lists what to set. Refer to section 4.2.2, section 4.2.3 and section 4.2.4 for details
of the settings.
Name Description
Position data Set the position data for movement.
Servo motor speed Set the command speed of the servo motor for execution of positioning.
Acceleration time constant Set the acceleration time constant.
Deceleration time constant Set the deceleration time constant.
Dwell Set the waiting time when performing automatic continuous operation.
Auxiliary function Set when performing automatic continuous operation.
(b) Selection of point table
Using the input signal or communication function, select the point table No. with a command from
the command device (controller) such as a personal computer.
The following table lists the point table No. selected in response to the input signals/commands.
Note that when the input signals are used, the point tables used as standard are No.1 to 3. To use
No.4 to 31, the point table No. selection 3 (DI2), point table No. selection 4 (DI3) and point table
No. selection 5 (DI4) should be made valid in "I/O Devices" (Refer to chapter 6) on the MR
Configurator (servo configuration software).
When the communication function is used to select the point tables, refer to chapter 15 for details
of the command transmission method, etc.