3 - 9
(c) Output devices
Device name
pin No.
Trouble ALM CN1B
ALM-SG are disconnected when power is switched off or the protective circuit is
activated to shut off the base circuit. Without alarm, ALM-SG are connected within
about 1s after power-on.
Ready RD CN1B
RD-SG are connected when the servo is switched on and the servo amplifier is
ready to operate.
Movement finish MEND CN1B
MEND-SG are connected when the in-position device (INP) turns on and the
command remaining distance is "0". (Refer to section 3.4.2.)
MEND-SG are connected at servo on.
Rough match CPO CN1B
CPO-SG are connected when the remaining command distance falls within the
parameter-set rough match output range.
This signal is not output while the base circuit is off. Servo-on connects CPO-SG.
During home position return and manual operation, CPO-SG are kept connected.
Home position return
ZP-SG are connected on completion of home position return.
In the absolute position system, ZP-SG are connected when the servo amplifier is
ready to operate but are disconnected if.
1) SON-SG are opened.
2) EMG-SG are opened.
3) RES-SG are shorted.
4) Alarm occurs.
5) Limit switch opens.
6) Home position return has not been made after the purchase of the product.
7) Home position return has not been made after the occurrence of absolute position
erasure (AL. 25) or absolute position counter warning (AL. E3).
8) Home position return has not been made after the changing of the electronic gear
9) Home position return has not been made after the absolute position system was
made valid.
10) The ST1 coordinate system (000
in parameter No.1) has been changed.
11) Software limit is valid.
12) Home position return completion.
If the status is not any of 1) to 12) and the home position setting has already been
completed at least once, home position return completion (ZP) is placed in the same
output status as ready (RD).
Electromagnetic brake
In the servo-off or alarm status, MBR-SG are disconnected.
When an alarm occurs, they are disconnected independently of the base circuit
Position range POT
Position range (POT) is on when the current position is within the range set in
parameters No. 50 to 53. If the current position is within the set range, the device
is off when a home position return is not yet
complete or while the base circuit is off
(during servo off, alarm occurrence or alarm reset).
Warning WNG
When warning has occurred, WNG-SG are connected.
When there is no warning, WNG-SG are disconnected within about 1s after power-
Battery warning BWNG
BWNG-SG are connected when battery cable breakage warning (AL.92) or battery
warning (AL.9F) has occurred.
When there is no battery warning, BWNG-SG are disconnected within about 1s
after power-on.
Limiting torque TLC
TLC-SG are connected when the torque generated reaches the value set to the
internal torque limit 1 (parameter No. 28), internal torque limit 1 (parameter No.
29) or analog torque limit (TLA).
Temporary stop PUS
PUS-SG are connected when deceleration to a stop is started by the temporary stop
signal. PUS-SG is disconnected when operation is resumed by making the
temporary stop signal valid again.
In position INP INP-SG are connected when the number of droop pulses is in the preset in-position
range. The in-position range can be changed using parameter No. 6.
When the in-position range is increased, INP-SG may be kept connected during
low-speed rotation. Servo-on connects INP-SG.