10. Troubleshooting
10 - 6
10-3-2 List of warnings
When a warning occurs, a warning No. will appear on the NC monitor screen and with the LEDs on the
front of the drive unit. Check the warning No., and remove the cause of the warning by following this
No. Alarm name Alarm details Stopping method Reset
93 Initial absolute position
The position data have fluctuated during the absolute position
Does not stop
9E Absolute position detector:
Revolution counter error
An error was detected in the revolution counter of the absolute
position detector. The absolute position data cannot be
Does not stop
9F Battery voltage drop The battery voltage that is supplied to the absolute position
detector dropped. The absolute position data is retained.
Does not stop
A6 Fan stop warning A cooling fan built in the drive unit stopped. Does not stop
E0 Over regeneration warning Over-regeneration detection level exceeded 80%. Does not stop
E1 Overload warning Overload detection level exceeded 80%. Does not stop
E4 Set parameter warning A parameter setting was outside the setting range. Does not stop
E6 Control axis detachment
Control axis detachment was commanded. -
E7 In NC emergency stop state Emergency stop was input from the CNC. Deceleration control
E9 Instantaneous power
interruption warning
The power was momentarily interrupted. Does not stop
EA In external emergency stop
External emergency stop signal was input. Deceleration control
Resetting method * : If the state causing the warning is canceled, the warning will be reset
NR : The warning can be reset with the NC reset button. The warning can also
be reset with the PR and AR resetting conditions.
PR : The warning can be reset by turning the NC power OFF and ON. The
warning can also be reset with the AR resetting conditions.
If the control axis is removed, the warning can be reset with the NC reset
button. (Excluding warning 93.)
AR : The alarm can be reset by turning the servo drive unit's power OFF and