8. Setup
8 - 5
(2) Electronic gear related parameters
The setting range of the following parameters, which configure the electronic gears, may be limited
according to the combination.
Setting electronic gear related parameters
No. Abbrev. Parameter name Explanation
range (Unit)
SV001 PC1*
Motor side gear
1 to 32767
SV002 PC2*
Machine side gear
Set the motor side and machine side gear ratio.
For the rotary axis, set the total deceleration (acceleration) ratio.
Even if the gear ratio is within the setting range, the electronic gears may
overflow and causes initial parameter error (servo alarm No. 37).
1 to 32767
SV018 PIT* Ball screw pitch Set the ball screw pitch. Set to "360" for the rotary axis.
1 to 32767
In the case of the semi-closed loop control
Set the same value as SV020 (RNG2).
(Refer to the explanation of SV020.)
1 to 9999
In the case of the full-closed loop control
This is available for the relative position rectangular wave output
specification linear scale.
Set the number of pulses per ball screw pitch.
Detector model name Resolution SV019 setting
Relative position rectangular
wave output scale
Refer to detector
specification manual.
SV018 (PIT)(mm)/
Resolution (µm)
SV019 RNG1*
Position detector
1 to 9999
Set the number of pulses per one revolution of the motor side detector.
Motor type SV020 setting
HF□□-A42 100
HF□□-A47 100
SV020 RNG2*
Speed detector
1 to 9999
Parameters with an asterisk * in the abbreviation, such as PC1*, are validated with the NC power turned ON again.
(3) Detector type related parameters
(a) For semi-closed loop control
Set the following parameter as below when controlling by using only detector of motor.
Setting for semi-closed loop control
No. Abbrev. Parameter name Explanation
8 Set the detector type.
Set the position detector type for "pen", and the speed detector type
for "ent".
In the case of the semi-closed loop control, set the same value for
"pen" and "ent".
B Detector model name
pen setting ent setting
C A42, A47 2 2
SV025 MTYP* Motor/detector type
Parameters with an asterisk * in the abbreviation, such as PC1*, are validated with the NC power turned ON again.