Introduction 1
1.2 What is a Programmable Controller?
A Pro
rammable Lo
ic Controller (PLC or pro
rammable controller) is a device that a user can
ram to perform a series or sequence of events. These events are tri
ered b
called inputs) received at the PLC or throu
h dela
ed actions such as time dela
s or
counted occur-rences. Once an event tri
ers, it actuates in the outside world b
or OFF electronic control
ear or the ph
sical actuation of devices. A pro
rammable controller
will continuall
‘loop’ throu
h its internal ‘user defined’ pro
ram waitin
for inputs and
outputs at the pro
rammed specific times.
Note on terminolo
The term pro
rammable controller is a
eneric word used to brin
all the elements makin
control s
stem under one descriptive name. Sometimes en
ineers use the term
rammable Lo
ic Controller’, ‘PLC’ or ‘pro
rammable controller’ to describe the same
control s
The construction of a pro
rammable controller can be broken down into component parts. The
element where the pro
ram is loaded, stored and processed is often known as the Main
Unit or MPU. Other terms commonl
heard to describe this device are ‘base unit’,
‘controller’ and ‘CPU’. The term CPU is a little misleadin
as toda
s more advanced products
contain local CPU devices. A Main CPU (or more correctl
a Main Processin
controls these local CPUs throu
h a communication network or bus.
1.3 What do You Need to Program a PLC?
A variet
of tools are available to pro
ram the Mitsubishi FX famil
of PLCs. Each of these
tools can use and access the instructions and devices listed in this manual for the identified