*The manual number is given on the bottom left of the back cover.
For Maximum Safety
• Mitsubishi inverters are not designed or manufactured to be used in equipment or systems in situations that
can affect or endanger human life.
• When considering this product for operation in special applications such as machinery or systems used in
passenger transportation, medical, aerospace, atomic power, electric power, or submarine repeating
applications, please contact your nearest Mitsubishi sales representative.
• Although this product was manufactured under conditions of strict quality control, you are strongly advised
to install safety devices to prevent serious accidents when it is used in facilities where breakdowns of the
product are likely to cause a serious accident.
• Please do not use this product for loads other than three-phase induction motors.
Print Date
Manual Number
Aug. 2007 IB(NA)-0600331ENG-A First edition
Apr. 2008 IB(NA)-0600331ENG-B
⋅ FR-A721-18.5K to 55K
Apr. 2008 IB(NA)-0600331ENG-C
⋅ FR-A741-5.5K to 15K
Jul. 2008 IB(NA)-0600331ENG-D
⋅ FR-A741-18.5K to 55K
Dec. 2010 IB(NA)-0600331ENG-E
⋅ Setting values "65, 66" for Pr. 52 DU/PU main display data selection
⋅ Setting value "2" for Pr. 170 Watt-hour meter clear
⋅ Pr. 296 Password lock level
⋅ Pr. 297 Password lock/unlock
⋅ Setting value "2" for Pr. 850 Brake operation selection
⋅ Password locked (LOCD)
⋅ Compatibility with FR-A7AL
⋅ Appendix 2 Instructions for compliance with the EU Directives (400V class
⋅ Option fault (E.OPT)