Time display "H:min"
The Time display has a dual function.
It shows the time remaining in the
wash program, and
it shows the programmed "Start de
lay" remaining before the program
Delay Start
Upon turning on the machine, the "De
lay start" lamp will be blinking. The start
of the program can be delayed up to 9
hours and 30 minutes.
Entering the start delay:
– Press the button to the left of the "De-
lay start" lamp as many times as nec-
essary until the desired time delay
appears. Each time the button is
pressed, the delay will increase by
30 minutes.
Select the program
The display will begin counting back
wards in one minute increments. The
"Delay start" lamp will remain lit.
Program start
When the delay time reaches zero,
the "Time remaining" lamp will illumi
nate, and the "Delay start" lamp will
go out. The display will now show the
time remaining in the wash program.
Deleting the start delay
When the display reaches "9 h 30
min", press the button to the left of
the "Delay start" lamp and the delay
will be deleted.
Remaining time
The display will count down the time re
maining in the wash program in one
minute increments as soon as:
A program is selected, or
The time delay reaches zero.
Delay start/Time remaining indicator