
Owner’s Manual
Owners Manual
Getting Started
Even if youre one of those people
who never reads manuals, all we ask
is that you read this page now before
you begin using the Onyx 1640. Youll
be glad you did!
Zero the Controls
1. Turn down the channel GAIN, AUX, and Fader con-
trols, and center the channel EQ and PAN controls.
2. Set all push button switches to their out positions.
3. In the output section (right hand side), turn all the
rotary knobs down, the switches out, and the
SUB 1-4 and MAIN MIX faders down.
4. Turn the POWER switch off.
If you already know how you want to connect the Onyx
1640, go ahead and connect the inputs and outputs
the way you want them. If you just want to get sound
through the mixer, follow these steps:
1. Plug in the detachable linecord, connect it to an AC
outlet, and turn on the Onyx 1640s POWER switch.
Plug a microphone or other signal source into
channel 1s MIC or LINE input.
3. Connect cords from the Onyx 1640s MAIN OUTS
(XLR connectors or 1/4" TRS connectors on the
rear panel) to your ampli er.
4. Hook up speakers to the amp and turn it on. If the
ampli er has level controls, set them however the
manufacturer recommends (usually all the way up).
Set the Levels
To set the channel GAIN controls, its not even neces-
sary to hear what youre doing at the outputs of the
mixer. If you want to listen while you work, plug head-
phones into the PHONES jack on the front panel, then
set the PHONES knob about one-quarter of the way up.
The following steps must be performed one channel at
a time.
1. Push in the channels SOLO [17] switch. Make sure
the SOLO MODE [34] switch is up (PFL).
2. Play something into the selected input. This could
be an instrument, a singing or speaking voice, or
a line input such as a CD player or tape recorder
output. Be sure that the volume of the input source
is the same as it would be during normal use. If it
isnt, you might have to readjust these levels during
the middle of the set.
3. Adjust the channels GAIN [4] control so that the
LEDs on the RIGHT meter [31] stay around 0 and
never go higher than +7.
4. If youd like to apply some EQ, do so now and return
to step 3. Remember to push in the EQ IN/OUT but-
ton or the EQ controls wont do anything.
5. Disengage that channels SOLO switch.
6. Repeat for each channel.
Instant Mixing
1. Leave the microphone plugged into channel 1 and
connect a keyboard, guitar or other instrument to
channel 2. Be sure to Set the Levels for channel 2
as described above.
To get sound out of the speakers, turn up channel 1
and 2 faders to the U mark, push in the MAIN MIX
ASSIGN buttons on channels 1 and 2, and slowly turn
up the MAIN MIX fader to a comfortable listening level.
3. Sing and play. Youre a star! Adjust the faders for
channels 1 and 2 to bring your voice and your
instrument up and down to create your own mix.
Other Nuggets of Wisdom
For optimum sonic performance, the channel and
MAIN MIX faders should be set near the U (unity
gain) markings.
Always turn the MAIN MIX fader and CONTROL
ROOM knob down before making connections to
and from your Onyx 1640.
When you shut down your equipment, turn off the
ampli ers rst. When powering up, turn on the
ampli ers last.
Never listen to loud music for prolonged periods.
Please see the Safety Instructions on page 2 for
information on hearing protection.
Save the shipping box! You may need it someday,
and you dont want to have to pay for another one.
Thats it for the Getting Started section. Next comes
the Hookup section that shows you some typical ways
that you might use the Onyx 1640 in real applications.
After that, you can take the grand tour of the mixer,
with descriptions of every knob, button, input, and
output. We encourage you to take the time to read all of
the feature descriptions, but at least you know its there
if you have any questions.