Owner’s Manual
Owner’s Manual
Appendix C: Technical Info
Onyx 1640 Specifi cations
Frequency Response
Mic Input to Main Output (Gain @ Unity)
+0, –1 dB, 20 Hz to 50 kHz
+0, –3 dB, <10 Hz to >100 kHz
Distortion (THD & IMD)
Mic Input to Main Output (@ +4 dBu)
THD: < 0.01%, 20 Hz to 20 kHz
SMPTE IMD: < 0.005% (7 kHz/60 Hz, 4:1)
Dynamic Range
>110 dB (Mic In to Main Out)
Noise Floor
Signal-to-Noise Ratio:
–93 dBu (ref. +4 dBu, Mic In to Main Out, Channel
and Main Mix levels at unity)
Equivalent Input Noise (E.I.N.), 20 Hz to 20 kHz Bandwidth,
150Ω source impedance
–129.5 dBu @ +60 dB gain
Mic Output Noise:
Recording Output: –100 dBu (minimum gain)
Residual Output Noise:
Main Out: –102 dBu (Channel and Main Mix levels off)
Main Out: –88 dBu (Channel and Main Mix levels at
Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR)
Mic In: >60 dB @ 1 kHz, Gain @ maximum
Adjacent Inputs: < –95 dB @ 1 kHz
Input to Output: < –75 dB @ 1 kHz
Input Gain Control Range
Mic In: 0 dB to +60 dB
Line In: –20 dB to + 40 dB, mono channels
Phantom Power
+48 VDC
Mono Channel EQ:
High: ±15 dB @ 12 kHz
High Mid:
±15 dB, sweepable from 400 Hz to 8 kHz
Low Mid:
±15 dB, sweepable from 100 Hz to 2 kHz
Low: ±15 dB @ 80 Hz
Mixer Rated Output
Main: +4 dBu
Aux Send: +4 dBu
Control Room: +4 dBu
Sub: +4 dBu
Maximum Rated Output:
+21 dBu @ Main XLR and TRS outputs
Maximum Input Levels
Mic Input: +21 dBu, Gain @ unity
Inst Input: +21 dBu, Gain @ –20 dB
Line Input: +30 dBu, Gain @ –20 dB
Tape Input: +21 dBu
Aux Return: +21 dBu
Maximum Voltage Gain
Mic Input to:
Main Output: 80 dB
Tape Output: 80 dB
Sub Output: 80 dB
Aux Sends: 86 dB
Control Rm Output:
90 dB
Phones Output: 90 dB
Inst Input to:
Main Output: 60 dB
Tape Output: 60 dB
Sub Output: 60 dB
Aux Sends: 66 dB
Control Rm Output:
70 dB
Phones Output: 70 dB
Tape Input to:
Main Output: 20 dB
Tape Output: 20 dB
Control Rm Output:
20 dB
Phones Output: 20 dB
Aux Return to:
Main Output: 20 dB
Tape Output: 20 dB
Sub Output: 20 dB
Aux Send: 22 dB
Control Rm Output:
30 dB
Phones Output: 30 dB
Input Impedance
Mic Input: 2.4 kΩ, balanced
Inst Input: 1 MΩ
Mono Channel Line Input: 30 kΩ balanced;
15 kΩ unbalanced
Stereo Aux Returns: 20 kΩ balanced;
10 kΩ unbalanced
Tape In: 20 kΩ, unbalanced