Summit Radio 169
E-EQ-VX3XRG-G VX3X Reference Guide
CCX Features
Use of Cisco Compatible Extensions (CCX) radio management and AP specified maximum
transmit power features.
Options: Full or On (Use Cisco IE and CCX version number, support all CCX features)
Optimized (Use Cisco IE and CCX version number, support all CCX features
except AP assisted roaming, AP specified max. transmit power and
radio management)
Off (Do not use Cisco IE and CCX version)
Default: Off (for 802.11b/g radio)
Optimized (for 802.11a/b/g radio)
Use of Wi-Fi Multimedia extensions.
Options: On, Off
Default: Off
Auth Server
Specifies the type of authentication server.
Options: Type 1 (ACS server)
Type 2 (non-ACS server)
Default: Type 1
TX Diversity
How to handle antenna diversity when transmitting packets to AP.
Options: Main only = Main antenna only
Aux only = Aux antenna only
On = Use diversity
Default: On (for 802.11b/g radio)
Main Only (for 802.11a/b/g radio)
The value for this parameter should be set as follows:
Antenna Configuration TX Diversity
A Main and BG Main Main Only
A Main and A Aux On
BG Main and BG Aux On
A Main only (external) Main Only
BG Main only (external) Main Only
Please contact your LXE representative if you have questions about the antenna(s) installed on
your VX3X.