154 Summit Radio
VX3X Reference Guide E-EQ-VX3XRG-G
Summit Radio
Please refer to the “LXE Security Primer” to prepare the Authentication Server and
Access Point for VX3X communication.
It is important that all dates are correct on CE computers when using any type of
certificate. Certificates are date sensitive and if the date is not correct authentication
will fail.
It may be necessary to upgrade radio drivers to in order to use certain Summit
Client Utility (SCU) features described in this chapter. Please contact your LXE
representative for details.
There are two Summit radios offered in the VX3X:
• an 802.11g radio, capable of 802.11b and 802.11g data rates.
• an 802.11a radio, capable of 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g data rates.
The radios support no encryption, WEP, LEAP or WPA (PEAP-MSCHAP, PEAP-GTC,
When using the 802.11a radio, the U-NII 1 band is the preferred band for indoor
operation. For regulatory domains in which the U-NII 3 band is allowed, the
following channels are supported: 149, 157 and 161. The AP must be configured