14 Set the Date and Time
Set the Date and Time
Access: Start | Settings | Systems tab | Clock
Figure 10 Set the Date and Time
1. Select your correct time zone from the pull-down list.
2. To change the time, select the hour, minute, seconds, or AM/PM and select the up arrow
to increase the value; select/tap the down arrow to decrease the value. Or you can type a
new time value in the field.
3. To change the month, tap the month to open a calendar. Tap the month again and choose
from the drop down list. Or select the left and right arrows to select the month and year.
Or you can type a new month value in the field.
4. To change the year, tap the year to open a calendar. Tap the year again and select the up
arrow to increase the value; select/tap the down arrow to decrease the value. Or select the
left and right arrows to select the month and year. Or you can type a new year value in
the field.
• Select OK and select Yes to save your changes or select No to exit without saving your
changes and exit Clock.
• Select Cancel to return to Clock Properties.