Linksys SPA9x2 Phone Administration Guide Cisco Confidential--First Draft128
System Tab
SPA9x2 Phone Field Reference
Internet Connection Type and Static IP Settings
PPPoE Settings
Enable Web Admin Access Lets you enable or disable local access to the web UIweb
UI. Select yes or no from the drop-down menu.
Defaults to yes.
Admin Passwd Password for the administrator.
Defaults to no password.
User Password Password for the user.
Defaults to no password.
DHCP Enable or disable DHCP.
Defaults to DHCP.
Static IP IP address. Blank of DHCP assigned address is used.
Netmask Network mask. Blank if DHCP assigned.
Gateway Default router IP address. Blank if DHCP assigned.
PPPoE Login Name Specifies the account name assigned by the ISP for
connecting on a Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet
(PPPoE) link.
PPPoE Login Password Specifies the password assigned by the ISP for
connecting on a Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet
(PPPoE) link.
PPPoE Service Name Specifies the service name assigned by the ISP for
connecting on a Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet
(PPPoE) link.