Linksys SPA9x2 Phone Administration Guide 118
Setting Up the SPA932 Sidecar
Using the SPA932 Sidecar
9. Create a configuration script for each target extension or user you want to monitor using
the SPA932. Enter this script in the appropriate field for each unit/key. See ”Unit/Key
Configuration Scripts” section on page 118.
10. Click Submit All Changes.
NOTE: The SPA932 allows only one unit/key entry for each target extension or user. The
subscription for the user fails if the user is configured on more than one unit/key. For example,
the following configuration would fail. It shows user 101 subscribed for two different functions
on two unit/keys; all functions should be put on one unit/key:
Unit/key1: func=sd;usr=101@$PROXY;nme=test;vid=2;sub=arupiSSomSok1@$PROXY
Unit/key2: fnc=blf+cp;usr=101@$PROXY;nme=test;vid=2;sub=arupiSSomSok1@$PROXY
Unit/Key Configuration Scripts
By default, all LEDs on the SPA932 are assigned to the first configured extension on the
SPA962 to which it is connected. Assign the LEDs to any of the other five extensions on the
SPA962 that you want to monitor using the SPA932.
The configuration script is composed of the following keywords, followed by an equal sign
(=) and separated by semicolons (;):
• fnc—defines which of the following functions are enabled for the specified key (separate
more than one function with a plus sign (+):
• blf—busy lamp field function used for monitoring line activity
• sd—speed dial function
• cp—call pickup (if supported by the SIP proxy server). Call pickup (cp) must be
supported by the SIP proxy server and be used with blf in the configuration. The syntax
is fnc=blf+cp.
• sub—Use this keyword to identify the phones to be monitored). Its value and syntax is
stationName@$PROXY, where system variable $PROXY contains the proxy server IP and
port (e.g.
NOTE: Unit/key LEDs will not light without the “sub” keyword.
• usr—Use this keyword to identify the specific users or extensions to be monitored. Its value
and syntax is extensionNumber@$PROXY, where system variable $PROXY contains the
proxy server IP and port (e.g.
• nme (optional)— Use this field with the SPA9000 to identify any alias that has been
assigned to the extension in the SPA9x2 phone configuration.The nme parameter indicates
the extension name, which in this case is the same as the station name.
• vid (optional)— All LEDs on the SPA932 use SPA962 extensions that they are assigned to. By
default, LEDs on the SPA932 are assignd to the first configured extension on the connected
SPA962. You can optionaly assign LEDs to any other SPA962 extensions using vid=keyword.
Use this field to identify the SPA962 extension to use with the monitored list specified by
the sub= keyword, when more than one BLF monitored list is configured on the SIP proxy
server. The possible values are 1 to 6, corresponding to each of the six extensions available
on the SPA962.
Only use the vid= keyword in the first entry assigned to each SPA962 extension.