
Bandwidth Management
4-Port SSL/IPSec VPN Router
Appendix E
Appendix E:
Bandwidth Management
This appendix explains how to ensure Quality of Service
(QoS) on Vonage Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
phone service. This example uses Vonage; however, similar
instructions will apply to other VoIP services.
Creation of New Services
Create two new services, Vonage VoIP and
Vonage 2.
Visit Vonage’s website at http://www.vonage.com. 1.
Find out the ports used for Vonage VoIP service.
Access the Router’s web-based utility. (Refer to 2.
“Chapter 4: Advanced Configuration” for details.)
Click the3. QoS tab.
On the 4. Bandwidth Management screen, click Service
QoS > Bandwidth Management
On the 5. Service Management screen, enter a name, such
as Vonage VoIP, in the Service Name field.
Add Vonage VoIP Service
From the 6. Protocol drop-down menu, select the
protocol the VoIP service uses. For example, some VoIP
devices use UDP.
Enter its SIP port range in the7. Port Range fields. For
example, you can set the Port Range to 5060 to 5070
to make sure that all active ports are covered.
Click 8. Add to List.
Add a second service. Enter a name, such as Vonage 2, 9.
in the Service Name field.
Add Vonage 2 Service
From the10. Protocol drop-down menu, select UDP.
Enter the RTP port range in the 11. Port Range fields. These
are required for both incoming and outgoing traffic.
For example, you can set the Port Range to 10000 to
25000 to make sure that all active ports are covered.
Click 12. Add to List.
Click 13. Apply to save your changes.