Chapter 4
Advanced Configuration
10/100 4-Port VPN Router
Service Management
Service Name Enter a name.
Protocol Select the protocol it uses.
Port Range Enter its range.
Click Add to List. Click Save Settings to save your changes,
or click Cancel Changes to undo them. Click Exit to return
to the Add a New Access Rule screen.
If you want to modify a service you have created, select it
and click Update this service. Make changes. Click Save
Settings to save your changes, or click Cancel Changes
to undo them. Click Exit to return to the Add a New Access
Rule screen.
If you want to delete a service you have created, select it
and click Delete selected service. Click Save Settings to
save your changes, or click Cancel Changes to undo them.
Click Exit to return to the Add a New Access Rule screen.
Log The Router can keep a log tracking this type of
activity. To keep a log, select Log packets match this
access rule. If you do not want a log, select Do Not Log
these packets.
NOTE: If the Deny Policies option is enabled on
the Log > System Log screen, then the log will
not include log events from the Deny access
rules on the Firewall > Access Rules screen.
Log events from the Deny access rules will be
logged separately from Deny Policies if the
option, Log packets match this rule, is selected.
If the Allow Policies option is enabled on the
Log > System Log screen, then the log will
include log events from the Allow access rules
on the Firewall > Access Rules screen, regardless
of the option, Log packets match this rule.
Source Interface Select WAN1, WAN2, LAN, or Any.
Source Select the Source IP address(es) for the access
rule. If it can be any IP address, select Any. If it is one IP
address, select Single and enter the IP address. If it is a
range of IP addresses, select Range, and enter the starting
and ending IP addresses in the fields provided.
Destination Select the Destination IP address(es) for the
access rule. If it can be any IP address, select Any. If it is
one IP address, select Single and enter the IP address. If
it is a range of IP addresses, select Range, and enter the
starting and ending IP addresses in the fields provided.
Apply this rule Decide when you want the access rule to
be enforced. To specify days of the week, select 24 Hr, and
then select the appropriate days.
To specify specific hours, select from, and enter the
specific hours and minutes in 24-hour format. Then select
the appropriate days.
The default for any new rule is to always enforce it.
Click Save Settings to save your changes, or click Cancel
Changes to undo them. Click Return to return to the
Access Rules screen.
Firewall > Content Filter
Use this screen to block specific domains during the
designated days and times for specific devices.
Firewall > Content Filter