
O r d e r i n g g u i d e
Order the turnstile that meets your needs. Start with the product category, then specify the finish, configurations
and options you need to complete your custom turnstile. If you need further customization - call the factory with
your exact specification requirements.
TurnsTile specificaTiOns
Primary Voltage 115V
Power 40W
Solenoids 24VDC. 14W
Control Boards
20VAC Input, 5A Contacts
Independent Controller for each Direction of Turnstile Rotation
Fail-safe / Fail Secure Switch
Processor Control Logic
Accept Momentary (1sec or less) Dry Contact Closure to Activate
Timed Auto Re-Lock Turnstile When Not In Use
Passageway 28”w X 80”h Clear Passage
Spindle Arm Sections
3 - pre-welded sections of 1” x 2 1/2” rectangular tubing
9 - arms per section
Barrier Section
1 - pre-welded section of 1” x 2 1/2” rectangular tubing
9 - arms per section
Ceiling Plates 14 gage Galvanized Steel sheet
Header and Cover
14 gage Galvanized Steel sheet Cover and Doors
Hinged Lockable Access Panels
Access for Removal of Control Mechanism
Controller Mechanism
8” O.D. x 1-1/8”t Ratchets
1-1/2”w X 1”t Pawls
Shock Absorbing Bushings in Ratchets
Shock Absorbing Mounting for Mechanism
Linear Acting Self Centering
Self Aligning Solenoids
Quick Change Configuration (fail-safe, fail-secure)
Standard Safety Features
Padded Heel Protection
Home Position Centering of Spindle Arms
F - Full Height
G - Galvanized
S - Single
D - Double
1 - Fail-Safe
2 - Fail-Secure
3 - Not Used
4 - Manual
1 - Fail-Safe
2 - Fail-Secure
3 - Not Used
4 - Manual
1 - Fail-Safe
2 - Fail-Secure
3 - Not Used
4 - Manual
1 - Fail-Safe
2 - Fail-Secure
3 - Not Used
4 - Manual
type finish configure entrance 1 exit 1 entrance 2 exit 2
AT FST G S 2 1 2 1
example 1: (single uniT) aT-fsTgs21= A galvanized steel, single passageway turnstile with fail-secure entrance and
fail safe exit in the controlled direction(s).
example 2: (dOuble uniT) aT-fsTgd2121= A galvanized steel, double passageway turnstile with fail-secure entranc-
es and fail safe exits in the controlled direction(s).
Double Units
Single Units