The shields on the MTS machine are made from polycarbonate. Adherence to regular and
proper cleaning procedures is recommended to preserve the appearance.
Washing To Minimize Scratches
Wash the polycarbonate shields with a mild soap or detergent (e.g. Joy Dishwashing
Liquid) and lukewarm water using a clean sponge or a soft cloth. Rinse well with clean
water. Dry thoroughly with a chamois or moist cellulose sponge to prevent water spots. Do
not scrub or use brushes on these products; their coating is UV-resistant, not mar-resistant.
Fresh paint splashes, grease and smeared glazing compounds can be removed easily
before drying by rubbing lightly with a grade of VM&P naphtha or isopropyl. Afterward, a
warm final wash should be made, using a mild soap or detergent solution and ending with a
thorough rinsing with clean water.
Minimizing Hairline Scratches
Scratches and minor abrasions can be minimized by using a mild automobile polish. Four such products
that tend to polish and fill scratches are: Johnson Paste Wax, Novus Plastic Polish #1 and #2, Mirror Glaze
plastic polish, and Plexus. It is suggested that a test be made on a small corner of a shield with the product
selected and that the polish manufacturer’s instructions be followed.
Some Important “Don’ts”
● DO NOT use abrasive or highly alkaline cleaners on the shields.
● Never scrape shields with squeegees, razor blades or other sharp instruments.
● Benzene, gasoline, acetone or carbon tetrachloride should never be used on the shields.
● DO NOT clean shields in hot sun or at elevated temperatures.
Compatible Cleaners For Shields
The following cleaning agents have been found compatible with polycarbonate. The manufacturer’s
recommendations and instructions should be followed. They are: Joy, Freon T.F., Palmolive Liquid, Top
Job, VM&P grade naphtha, Windex with Ammonia D.
Removal Of Paint, Marking Pen, Labels
Butyl cellosolve works well for removal of paints, marking pen inks, lipstick, etc.
Labels, stickers, etc. may be removed using kerosene or VM&P naphtha. When the solvent will not
penetrate sticker material apply heat (hair dryer) to soften the adhesive and promote removal. GASOLINE