Modify Tuner/Channel Assignments
1. Click on the down arrow at the right of each Channel eld you wish to reassign, and select
from the drop-down list of options the appropriate channel number or N/C (no connection)
for the tuner listed in the Tuner column.
2. When you have completed the assignments, click on the Set button at the bottom of the
Channel column.
3. The system will display a pop-up window prompting for confirmation of the changes. Either:
• Click OK to conrm and apply the new assignments.
• Click Cancel to return to the Input Channels screen without saving your changes.
If you successfully change the tuner/channel assignments, the system will display
at the bottom of the Input Channels screen.
OAT100R System Setup Options
The System Setup screen enables you to view and/or modify the system conguration. To
access the System Setup screen, click on System Setup in the options panel at the left of the
screen (see example on following page).
On the left side of the System Setup screen, the System Information section provides important
information about the current configuration of the OAT100R, including the unit serial number,
software version, hardware ID (firmware version), Control Port MAC and IP addresses, and
output configuration. On the right side of the screen, several menu options are available, as
described in the following subsections.
Configure the Program PIDs
If any Pro:Idiom channels are configured in the site’s entertainment system, you must configure
program PIDs for the OAT100R output in the Program PID section of the System Setup screen.
See “Packet Identifiers (PIDs) Overview” on page 10 for further information, and/or check with
your service representative, if necessary. Type the starting program PID number in hexadecimal
format in the Start PID Number eld, and then click on the Set button at the right of the eld. The
system will auto-increment the remaining 63 program PIDs from the starting PID.
If you successfully set the starting program PID, the system will display
at the bottom
of the System Information display. The System Information display will also show the updated
program PID range.
Identify the Site Location
In the Location Description section of the System Setup screen, you can identify the site in
which the OAT100R is installed. Type the location description directly into the text field provided,
and then click on the Set button at the right of the eld. If you successfully set the location
description, the system will display
at the bottom of the System Information display.
If specified in the System Setup screen (as described above) or in the command line interface
Setup Menu, the site location is identified in blue text at the right of the System Status and Tuner
Information screen titles.
Conguration Options via GUI (Cont.)