Scan for RF Channels
In the RF Scan section of the Input Channels screen, you can select up to two tuners at a time
and initiate a scan for all available off air RF channels. If an RF scan was run previously, the
screen will show the date and time of the previous scan, along with a listing of the channels
1. Click on the down arrow at the right of the VHF and/or UHF elds, and select the tuner(s) to
scan for RF channels.
2. Click on the Scan button to initiate the scan.
The RF scan will take several minutes. When the scan is complete, the system provides a
listing of the channels found for the selected tuner(s).
Note: If multiple tuners are connected to one antenna, you do not need to run separate RF
scans on each.
Note: If the system is set for RF 64-QAM output, up to four tuners can be used at a time. Make
sure the tuners to be scanned have been mapped to streams in the MUX Setup screen (see
“MUX Setup Options” on page 35); otherwise, the RF scan(s) will not nd any channels.
Conguration Options via GUI (Cont.)
Typical Input
Channels Screen