6.11 Installation of Lamp Housing Mount
and Mirror Housing ................................... 42
6.12 Installation and Replacement
of Incident-Light Lamps............................ 44
6.13 Equipping the
Incident Light Turret Disk......................... 48
6.14 Inserting the Front Module Slider ..........
6.15 Installation of the Polarizer
and Analyzer............................................... 50
6.16 Optional Accessories ............................... 52
6.17 Connection to the
Electronics Box CTR6000 ......................... 53
6.18 Connection to the Computer ................... 54
6.19 Connection to the Power Supply ............ 54
7. Startup ......................................................... 55
7.1 Functional Principle .................................. 55
7.2 Switching On .............................................. 59
7.3 The LeicaScreen........................................ 60
7.4 The Function Buttons on the Stand ....... 61
7.5 The SmartMove Remote
Control Module .......................................... 64
7.6 Illumination ................................................. 65
7.6.1 Transmitted light ............................. 65
7.6.2 Incident Light – Fluorescence ..... 68
7.7 Checking Phase Contrast Rings ............. 69
7.8 Setting the Motorized Polarizer.............. 70
7.9 Adjusting the Light Sources .................... 71
1. Important Notes about this Manual ...... 7
2. Intended Purpose of the Microscope ... 8
3. Safety Notes ............................................... 9
3.1 General Safety Notes ............................... 9
3.2 Electrical Safety ........................................ 10
4. Overview of the Leica DMI6000 ............. 12
4.1 Specifications ............................................ 12
4.2 Glossary....................................................... 16
5. Unpacking the Microscope .................... 22
6. Assembling the Microscope .................. 25
6.1 Assembly Tools .......................................... 25
6.2 Installation of the
Transmitted-Light Illumination Carrier .. 26
6.3 Installation of the DIC Module
and DIC Objective Prisms ........................ 27
6.4 Installation of Stages................................ 28
6.5 Installation of Condensers....................... 34
6.6 Installation of Eyepieces.......................... 39
6.7 Installation of Objectives ......................... 39
6.8 Installation of Filters
in the Illumination Arm ............................. 40
6.9 Installation of the
Transmitted-Light Lamp Housing............ 40
6.10 Installation and Replacement of the......
Transmitted-Light Lamps:.........................
Lamp Housing 107 or 107/2 ...................... 41