14. Index
14. Index
Abbreviations 99
Active ports 60
Allen key 25
Ambient temperature 10
Analyzer 50, 51
Analyzer slot 19
Aperture diaphragm
16, 18, 61, 76, 90
Arc 73
Assembly tools 25
Attachable mechanical
stag 19
Attachable mechanical stage
for fixed micromanipulation
stage 29
Beam splitting 84
Bertrand lens 69, 84
Booster lens 18, 43, 80
Bright field (TL) 76, 92
Camera 52
centering 19
Centering keys 25
Centering procedure
Centering window 19
Changing the halogen lamp 40
Changing the incident-light
lamp 44
Cleaning glass surfaces 96
Cleaning objectives 96
Cleaning the stage 95
C-Mount 0.5x/0.63x 52
Coarse 83
Collector 46, 47
Color coding (objectives) 87
Combination Methods 81
compatibility 8
Computer interface 54, 59
Condenser 17, 50, 59
Condenser base S1-S28 18, 34
Condenser cable 53
Condenser centering 67, 70
Condenser head 18, 38
Condenser head S1 34
Condenser head S28 34
Condenser height adjuster 17
Condenser prisms 35, 36
Condenser tool 36
Condensers 14, 34, 37
Consumable parts 97
contrast 93
Contrast methods 12, 60, 76
Contrast settings 67
Controls 15, 55
Correction for vision
problems 85
Corrective mount 87
CUBE 63, 80
Dark field (TL) 77, 92
Diaphragms 60
DIC module 27
DIC objective prism
DIC objective prisms 27
DIC specimen 79
Differential interference
contrast (TL) 79
Digital camera 52
Direct interface 53
Discharge lamp 45, 74
disk 18
DM STC stage connections 32
DRY 86
Dust cover 95
EU directive 8
EXT1-EXT4 sockets 26
Eyebase 84
Eyepiece tube 18
Eyepieces 16, 18, 39, 85
Fast 88
Field diaphragm
Field diaphragm 17, 18, 90
Field diaphragm
18, 61, 68, 76, 90
Field diaphragm 20
Field diaphragm adjustment 68
Filter block 49
Filter cubes 48, 49, 63
Filter drawer 63
Filters 17, 40
FIM 89
Fine 83
Fixed function buttons 57, 61, 90
Fixed micromanipulation
stage 29
Fixed stage 28, 30
Fluo drawer 48
Fluorescence 80, 94
Fluorescence filter cubes 80
Fluorescence illumination 81
Focus 60
Focus buttons 19, 63, 82