7. Start-up
7.6.2 Incident Light - Fluorescence
(Leica DMI4000B and Leica DMI6000B)
Suitable aperture and field diaphragm values
have been preset for each objective. The inci-
dent light module has also been centered at the
However, it may be necessary to readjust the in-
cident light module in some cases after trans-
porting and setting up the stand. Therefore,
check the field diaphragm centering.
The following procedure is provided for the inci-
dent light-bright field illumination.
• Select an objective with moderate magnifica-
tion (10x–20x).
• Activate the incident-light axis with the TL/IL
button (84.1).
• Press the IL-BF / Fluo button to activate the
bright field contrast method (one of the vari-
able function buttons on the stand).
• Place a specimen on the stage.
• Focus the specimen using the SmartMove or
the focus wheels.
• Adjust the light intensity with the INT buttons
Adjusting the field diaphragm
• Close the field diaphragm with the FD button
(84.4) or manually until the edge of the dia-
phragm (round or rectangular) appears in the
field of view.
• If the limits of the field diaphragm are not in
the center of the field of view, move the posi-
tion of the field diaphragm to the center with
the two centering screws (92.1) on the right
side of the stand.
• Use the function buttons FD (84.4) to open the
field diaphragm to the point that they just dis-
appear from the field of view.
•We recommend the use of a rectangular field
diaphragm when using a digital camera.
Match the size of the diaphragm to the chip
size of the camera.
Fig. 92 Adjusting the field diaphragm
(incident light-fluorescence)
1 Adjusting screws for moving the field diaphragm