9. Troubleshooting
8.12 Aperture and Field Diaphragm
Leica DMI3000 B:
• The manual aperture diaphragm is adjusted
on the condenser.
• The manual field diaphragm is adjusted on the
illumination arm.
Leica DMI4000 B and Leica DMI6000 B:
Both diaphragms have been set to suitable val-
ues for the current objective and contrast
method at the factory.
The aperture diaphragm is controlled manually
when using the manual condenser.
The field diaphragm is controlled manually when
using the manual illumination arm.
• The motorized diaphragms can be adjusted at
any time with the AP (aperture diaphragm)
(118.1) and FD (field diaphragm) (118.3) func-
tion buttons. The values displayed on the
LeicaScreen change accordingly.
The function buttons are assigned to the cur-
rently active transmitted light (TL) or incident
light (IL) axis.
The old values will be overwritten by the current
When using PH or DF, the aperture diaphragm is
fully open and
can not be closed.
Adjust diaphragms via
fixed function buttons on stand
variable function buttons on stand and
Leica Application Suite (LAS) Software