8. Operation
8.2. Contrast Methods
All of the contrast methods
of the Leica
DMI4000B and Leica DMI6000B
can be se-
lected and controlled via the variable function
buttons and the Leica Application Suite (LAS).
The only exceptions are methods that involve
components requiring manual control (e.g. sys-
tems with manual analyzers). The following sec-
tion describes the use of the function buttons on
the stand. For instructions on the use of the soft-
ware, please refer to the separate manual.
Contrast methods for the Leica DMI3000B are
controlled via the manual condenser and
manual objective turret.
8.2.1 Bright Field (TL)
Leica DMI3000B:
• Set the condenser to the bright field position.
• Remove all other optical components such as
analyzers, polarizers or IC prisms from the beam
• Insert a transmitted light specimen.
• Select your objective
• Set the brightness at the light potentiometer
• Focus the image with the focus wheels.
Leica DMI4000B and Leica DMI6000B:
If all positions of the filter turret are occupied, filter
cube “A” can be swapped for filter cube “A-TL”
using the Leica Application Suite (LAS). TL contrast
methods are possible with that filter cube.
• Use the TL/IL function button to switch to trans-
mitted light (TL).
• Select the BF (bright field) contrast method
by pressing the variable button BF.
Alternatively: press the variable button CHANGE
TL .
(For details on button assignments, please see
the identification sheet.)
BF will appear on the LeicaScreen.
Motorized condensers will now move to the
bright field position. Coded condensers must be
switched manually.
Fig. 108 Function buttons (left side of stand)
1 variable function buttons
2 Open/close aperture diaphragm
3 TL/IL switching
4 Open/close field diaphragm
5 Increase/decrease light intensity
Fig. 109 Function buttons (right side of stand)
1 variable function buttons