9. Troubleshooting
Phase contrast
No phase contrast is possible.
No polarization contrast is possible.
Transmitted light interference contrast
No transmitted light interference contrast is
The specimen is too thick.
The cover glass is not placed evenly.
Check the centering of the light rings
(→ p. 73).
Bring the polarizer and analyzer into cross po-
sition until they reach maximum darkness
(without specimen).
(→ p. 86).
The specimen is too thick or too thin.
Embedding medium or specimen are of bire-
fringent material. Rotate the specimen.
The difference in the refractive indices of the
specimen and the embedding medium is too
The cover glass is too thick.
Check the Koehler illumination (→ p. 69).
Bring the polarizer and analyzer into cross po-
sition until they reach maximum darkness
(without specimen).
(→ p. 87).
Check whether the suitable condenser prism
and corresponding objective prism are se-
lected (manual alternative → p. 87).
Ensure that the IC prisms are correctly seated
(→ p. 40).