9. Contrast methods for Leica DM4000 B/DM4500 P/DM5000 B
• For fine adjustment, use the knurled wheel
above the objective turret.
9.2 Fluorescence
• Switch to the fluorescence axis / fluores-
cence cube (FLUO) by pushing the TL/IL func-
tion key.
• Apply a specimen and rotate a suitable objec-
tive into place.
• The current fluorescence filter cube is indi-
cated on the display.
• You may protect your specimen from fading by
closing the incident light shutter.
Do so by pressing the SHUTTER variable but-
(For details on key assignments, please see
the identification sheet.)
This symbol appears on the display:
• Changing the fluorescence filter cube:
By pressing the variable key
or Cube
• Bring the image into focus using the focus
wheel and set the brightness using the INT
function key.
• The fluorescence intensity can be increased
using the booster lens on the right side of the
stand (Fig. 75). Leica recommends that you in-
sert the booster lens into the front slot.
• For multifluorescence, use of an excitation
manager is recommended. The excitation
manager is inserted into the stand up to the
last click stop on the right side of the stand
(Fig. 76). Leica recommends that you insert
the excitation manager into the front slot.
Fig. 76 Inserting the excitation manager
Fig. 75 Inserting the booster lens