8. Operation
8.5 Eyepieces
The eyepiece’s aperture protector must be re-
moved or folded back, during microscopy while
wearing glasses.
We recommend removing bifocals and specta-
cles with progressive-addition lenses when us-
ing the microscope.
• For the adjustable tubes with documentation
output, choose the 100% VIS position.
Eyepieces with inlaid reticle
• Focus the reticle by adjusting the eyelens in
the eyepiece.
• Focus on the object through this eyepiece.
• Then, close that eye and focus on the object
by adjusting the second ocular only.
Correction for vision problems
• With your right eye, look through the right
eyepiece and bring the specimen into sharp
• Then, with your left eye, view the same posi-
tion of the specimen and rotate the left eye-
piece tube until this position is brought into
sharp focus. Do not use the focus wheel.
8.6 Objectives
The objectives are moved into the beam path
manually. Be sure that the turret locks into
The positions of the objectives in the objective
turret have been specified at the factory and
must be observed when installing the objectives.
(See Installing objectives → p. 23)
When pivoting an objective inwards, the micro-
automatically selects:
• The optimum setting for the field diaphragm
• The optimum setting for the aperture dia-
phragm and the light intensity for each con-
trast method.
The objective magnification and the total magni-
fication appear in the display → p.39.
• Begin with a small level of magnification.
Then switch to the next higher objective.
• For immersion objectives use the appropriate
immersion medium.
OIL: use optical immersion oil only
according to DIN/ISO standards.
Cleaning → p.78.
W: Water immersion.
IMM: Universal objective for water, glycerol,
oil immersion.
Follow the safety instructions for immersion