9. Contrast Methods
9.1.3 Darkfield*
• Insert a transmitted light specimen
• Rotate an appropriate objective into place
• Bring the image into focus using the focus dial
and set the brightness
Condenser UCL/P:
Click the condenser disk into the BF position
Condensers CL/PH, CLP/PH, and
APL .ACHR.0.9 (P):
Pull out the DF light ring slide as far as the
check the Köhler illumination (→
p. 28)
• Open the aperture diaphragm completely
(position PH)
Condenser UCL/P:
Click the condenser disk into the DF position
Condensers CL/PH, CLP/PH, and
APL.ACHR.0.9 (P):
Insert the DF light ring slide as far as the stop
Condensers UCL/UCLP and UCA/P: The DF light
ring must be centered (→
p. 29).
Special dark field condensers* are available for
the DM1000/DM1000 LED.
The application potential of the DF condensers
depends on the aperture of the objective in use.
For objectives with built-in iris diaphragm, the
aperture can be adapted.
DF condenser max. objective aperture
D 0.80 - 0.95 0.75
D 1.20 - 1.44 OIL 1.10
9.1.2 Phase Contrast*
• Insert a transmitted light specimen
• Rotate an appropriate objective into place;
objectives that are suitable for phase contrast
are engraved with PH
• Bring the image into focus using the focus dial
and set the brightness
• For an optimal field diaphragm setting, check
the Köhler illumination (→
p. 28)
• Open the aperture diaphragm completely
(position PH)
Condensers UCL/UCLP and UCA/P:
Set the light ring corresponding to the
objective on the condenser disk
Example: Light ring 1 belongs to the objective
with the engraving PH 1
Condensers CL/PH, CLP/PH, and
APL. ACHR.0.9 (P):
Use the light ring slide
Condensers UCL/UCLP and UCA/P: Light rings
must be centered (→
p. 29).