8. Operation
8.6 Objectives
Changing Objectives
The objective must be moved manually into the
light path. Be sure that the nosepiece turret
locks into place.
When you rotate the objective into position, the
settings for
• Field diaphragm → p. 41
• Aperture diaphragm → p. 40
• Light intensity → p. 40
should be checked.
• For immersion objectives use the appropriate
immersion medium.
OIL: Only use optical immersion oil
according to DIN/ISO standards,
cleaning → p. 55
W: Water immersion
IMM: Universal objective for water, glycerol,
oil immersion
Follow safety instructions for immersion oil!
For lockable immersion objectives lock these by
pushing the front part upwards until it stops
(approx. 2 mm). Then, after a gentle turning
motion to the right, the objective is locked
(Fig. 44).
For objectives with corrective mounts turn the
knurl to adjust the objective to the thickness of
the cover glass.
Fig. 43 Immersion objective (released) Fig. 44 Immersion objective (locked)