BeforeYour First Cookout
• Light burners, check to make sure theyare lit, close the lid and
warm up grill on HIGH for 15 minutes. Curing of paint and parts
will produce an odor only on first lighting.
Burner Flame Check
• Light burner,rotate knobs from HI to LO. You should see a
smaller flame in LO position than seen on HI.Always check
flame prior to each use. Perform flame check on sideburner. If
only low flame is seen refer to "Sudden drop or low flame" in
the Troubleshooting Section.
RepaintingYour Grill
• After extended use and exposure to weather, painton grill may
deteriorate or become spotted. Although this detracts from
grill's appearance, it will not impair its performance.
To refinish your grill brush outside of grill lid and bottom with
wire brush and lightly sandwith fine grit sandpaper. Sanding
allows new paint to adhere more easily.Wash grill lid and
bottomwith soap and water to remove dust and grease. Do not
usea grill cleaner on outside of grill. Wipe with vinegar.
Refinishoutside with heat-resistant paint. Do not paint inside
of grill.
Turning Grill Off
• Turn all knobs to _ position. Turn LP tank off by turning
OPD hand wheel clockwise to a full stop.
Ignitor Check
• Turn gas off at LPtank. Press and hold ignitor button. "Click"
should be heard and spark seen each time between collector
boxor burner and electrodes. See "Troubleshooting" if no click
or spark.
Valve Check
• Important: Make sure a_.=asisoff at LP tank before checking
valves. Knobslock in _ position.Tocheckvalves,first
push in knobs and release, knobs should spring back. If knobs
do not spring back, replace valve assembly before usinggrill.
Turn knobs to LO position then turn back to _ position.
Valves should turn smoothly.
• Before eachuse, check to see if hoses are cut or worn.
Replace damaged hoses before using grill. Use only identical
Kenmore replacement valve/hose/regulator assembly.
General Grill Cleaning
• Do not mistake brown or black accumulation of grease and
smokefor paint. Interiors of gas grills are not paintedat the
factory (and should never be painted). Apply a strong solution
of detergent and water or use a grill cleaner with scrub brush
on insides of grill lid and bottom. Rinse and allow to completely
air dry. Do not apply a caustic grill/oven cleaner to painted
• Plated wire grates: Wash grates and V-bar with concentrated
grill cleaner or use soap and water solution. Dry thoroughly and
store indoors between cookouts.
• Plastic parts: Wash with warm soapy waterand wipe dry.
• Do not use citrisol, abrasive cleaners, degreasers or a
concentrated grill cleaner on plastic parts. Damage to and
failure of parts can result.
• Porcelain grates: Because of glass-like composition, most
residue can be wiped away with baking soda/water solution or
speciallyformulated cleaner. Use nonabrasive scouring powder
for stubborn stains.
FACT: Sometimes spiders and other small insects climb into
the burner tubes attached to the burners. The spiders spin
webs, build nests and lay eggs. The webs or nests can be
very small, but they are very strong and can block the flow of
gas. Clean burners prior to use after storing, at the beginning
of grilling season or after a period of one month not being
Typicalspiderwebsinside burner.
Spider guards are on the air intakes in an effort to reduce this
problem, but it will not eliminate it! An obstruction can result
in a "flashback" (a fire in the burner tubes). The grill may still
light, but the obstruction does not allow full gas flow tothe
1. Smell gas.
2. Burner(s)will not light.
3. A small yellow flame from burner (should be blue).
4. Firecoming from around or behind control knob.
Immediately turn off gas at LP tank!
• After a burner tube fire, you must inspect the hose and
do a "Leak Test" to assure no damage has occured to
the parts,
Wait for grill to cool.
Follow the "Cleaning TheBumer Assembly" instructions.
Clean burners often. Use a 12" pipe cleaner to clean out the
burner tubes. You may also force a stream of water from a
hose nozzle through burner tubes to clean them.
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