HoopSizeF:126x110mm _';""-:_:.
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Built-in Embroidery Designs
Press the Built-in Design key,
Press the pattern selection key to select the desired
The embroidery screen will appear,
Color/Part keys
The thread color and sewing order of each embroidery
part are indicated on the key. When you start sewing,
the machine will automatically stop sewing after it
finishes sewing one part of the embroidery design.
Change the thread and start sewing again.. The color of
the key will turn gray after you finish sewing that part of
the embroidery design.
Sewing the specific color!part by skipping
To sew only a specific part of the design, press the
color/part key immediately before it.
The part you want to sew will be highlighted on the
(2_}Return key
Press this key to return to the pattern selection window
(_) Next page Key
The next page key will be displayed when there are
more design parts to be displayed, Press it to view the
other embroidery design parts
_I Jog Keys
Adjust the hoop position with the jog keys so that the
needle drop position comes right above the center of
the reference lines on the fabric
(_) Needle drop position
_) Centerlines