Saving and Opening a File
o Saving a file
(_ Save file key
When you press the ._ key _, the save file window will
Press the _ key, to select the location of either the
internal memory of the sewing machine or a Compact Flash
Card (adapter required).
When you press the i_i _o! keys, you will be able to see
the saved files in the previous and next pages..
Press oK key to save the file and the screen will return to
the original screen
The file name wilt be automatically assigned starting from
M 001 in order_
, Assigning a file name
You can assign the file name in the file name window,
Press the _o,_o key to open the file name window.
The alphabet keys are displayed in the window.
Press the B.s key to delete the last character..
Press the c0_=0_key and the screen will return to the save
file screen
Enter=the file name and press the oK key
The file wilt be saved with the new name
oOnly 8 characters can be entered.
• When you save the program without a name, the file
name will be automatically assigned starting from
M_O01...,in order
oWhen the memory is full, you are unable to save the file.
You should go to the open file window and delete the file
that you do not need
=When you save the file under the same name, you will
be advised by a message, "The Same File exists,
Overwrite it?"..If yes, press the oK key If no, press the
=When no combination patterns are entered, you are
unable to save the file.,
Save File (Built-in)
File Nam_
File Name
._. _Short of rnernory space,
the file cannot be saved.
_ The same file name exists,
overwrite it?