Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Master Cylinder Inspection (Visual Inspection)
Disassemble the front and rear master cylinders.
Check t
hat there are no scratches, rust or pitting on the
inner wall [A] of each master cylinder and on the outside
of each piston [B].
If a ma
ster cylinder or piston shows any damage, replace
Inspect the primary cup [C] and secondary cup [D].
If a c
up is worn, damaged softened (rotted), or swollen,
the piston assembly should be replaced to renew the
If fl
uid leakage is noted at the brake lever, the piston as-
sembly should be replaced to renew the cups.
Front Master Cylinder [J]
Check the dust covers [E] for damage.
If they are damaged, replace them.
Check the piston return springs [F] for any damage.
If the springs are damaged, replace t hem.
Check that relief port [ G] and supply port [H] are not
If the relief port becomes plugged, the brake pads will
drag on the disc. Blow the ports clean with compressed
Rear Master Cylinder [K ]