Technical Information – Tail/Brake Lights Employing LED
This model employs a tail/brake light containing 21 Light Emitting Diodes (LED). The LED emits
us beams over a longer life span than those emi tted from a traditional electric heated bulb
(more than 5 times longer), uses lower voltage, expends lower wattage (approx.1/5), and is quicker
Due Position of LED Installation
The r
esistors, the diodes, and the Zener diodes are
mounted in the electronic circuits [A] of the LED, which
supplies the steady current and voltage to the light.
Light Emitting Diode (LED)
The Light Emitting Diode (LED) [A] is an element of semi-
conductor diode that converts applied voltage to light.
The LED emits luminous beams by the collision of nega-
tive charge electrons [A] and positive charge holes [B] when
applied the forward voltage and current to the PN junction
diode [C].