1-66 August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E1008 No.2 power sequence board is not installed.
The first address of the No.2 1KP power sequence board cannot be read at controller
Main causes include:
1. The 1KP power sequence board is not installed in the correct card slot.
2. Jumper or dip switch settings of the 1KP power sequence board are incorrect.
3. Defective 1KP power sequence board.
Ensure the 1KP board DSW1 setting is configured as power sequence board No. 2
and is installed in the No. 2 1KP card rack slot. Check and replace the board if nec-
ERROR CODE E1009 No. XX I/O board is not installed.
Cannot read the first addresses of I/O boards (1GW/1HW) based on the number of
signals that have been set in AUX 0611 or with DO (output point), or DI (input point) of
the ZSIGSPEC command, at controller power-up. This error is not used when a 1FS
board is installed.
Main causes include:
1. Incorrect value set in AUX 0611 or with the ZSIGSPEC command.
2. Error in board address of I/O board (1GW/1HW).
3. Defective I/O board or I/O board not installed (1GW/1HW board, etc.).
Set the correct number of signals in AUX 0611 or with the ZSIGSPEC command. I/O
cards are typically mounted in the card rack from right to left in ascending order.
Because of VME buss communication, this is not critical. The robot can run without
I/O boards. The maximum number of signals in the software set in AUX 0611, or with
the ZIGSPEC command, is DO, DI=256, INT=512, but DO and DI are restricted by
hardware and other options.
Set board address jumpers correctly.
Replace the 1GW/1HW board.