1-109August 9, 2005
ERROR CODE E1143 Conveyor axis number is not set.
Conveyor axis number is not set at execution of conveyor synchronous motion.
Set the conveyor axis number using the ZCVAXIS instruction
ERROR CODE E1144 No arm control board.
Ensure the 1KB arm control board is properly installed.
Replace the 1KB board.
Replace the 1KA board.
ERROR CODE E1145 Cannot use specified channel, already in use.
Several “WHERE” commands were executed at the same time.
Do not execute unnecessary “WHERE” commands.
ERROR CODE E1146 [LESQ] Aborted by process time over.
KLogic program did not complete execution within the specified time.
Contact KRI customer service (include operating conditions/settings and operation
log at the time the error occurred)
ERROR CODE E1147 Cannot open setting file, so cannot set to shipment state.
When “2: Setting to shipment state” is selected from the initialization screen, there is no
setting file (ini_load.cmd) in the 1KA board memory.
Load the setting file
into the 1KA board memory
ERROR CODE E1148 Cannot read setting file, so cannot set to shipment state.
When “2: Setting to shipment state” is selected from the initialization screen, the setting
file (ini_load.cmd) in the 1KA board memory could not be decoded.
Ensure the proper setting file
is loaded into the 1KA board memory