
GLID 137
The open programmable mixes available in the XP8103 allow
you to enhance your presets with a variety of mix applications.
Another programming feature included in the XP8103 is the
ability to assign a switch to use for the following mixes: All
programmable mixes, Elevator-Flaperons, Aileron-Flaperons,
Flaperons-Elevator, and Flaperons-Aileron. In addition, the latter
two mixes also include a trim offset for the flap.
Following are guidelines for mixing flaps to follow aileron
movement. This mix will work as part of the Launch and/or
reflex preset at your option. The 8103 transmitter must have the
dual flaps activated in the Function Mode to access the
aileron/flap mix.
1. In the Function Mode, use the UP key to move to the MIX
AILE-FLAP mix. Now with the CH key, move to the switch select
to select your switch option.
2. Move to Rate with the CH key and enter the value for throw.
There is no separate mix value for each direction. There is no
offset used with this mix.
Elevator Flap/Mix
The Elevator/Flap Mix is another optional mix that can be used
with either preset or other switch options. Different mix values
are programmed for up and down elevator throw. This mix is
generally used with slope aerobatics, or for multi-task speed and
distance tasks.
1. From the aileron/flap mix, use the DN key to move to ELEV-
FLAP mix. Now push the CH key to move to switch select. In
many multi-task applications, this mix will be used with reflex
2. Move back to Rate and enter for desired direction and
throw. Most common is to drop the wing tailing edge with up
Options and Program Ideas
With some time to experiment and learn the transmitter, you will
discover a number of other ways to apply the above functions. If
you fly with the aileron/rudder mix always ON, the mix switch
can be used as another switch option. The available
programmable mixes also allow for a variety of scale and
special-use functions.
Snap Flaps
Snap Flaps is a function that mixes a given amount of down
flaps when a specified up elevator is given. This aids in tight
turns and can be handy when circling in tight thermals or for
changing direction quickly.
Select PROG.MIX 1 and mix ELEV-FLAP by pressing the + and -
keys. Press the SEL key until the cursor arrow points to the Point L.
Press the CLR key to clear out the mix value. Press the CH key
until point H is displayed. Press the CLR key to zero out the H
position. Press the CH key until Point 1 is displayed. Press the +
key to achieve zero value in Point 1. Press the CH key until Point
L is displayed. Then press the + or - key to achieve the desired
amount of elevator to flap mixing with full up elevator.
Choose the switch position you want to turn off/on this mix.
Many pilots choose to leave this function on at all times.
5.6 Special Mixing