➔➔ ➔
STEP 18: Place the supplied slotted mounting bar
into mounting area.The bar will go behind the open-
The slot needs to be facing up.
STEP 22: Place the supplied socket cup set screw
into the Stealtbox.
Leaving about 1-1/2” exposed.
Continued on Next Page ➔
STEP 19: With the slotted mounting bar into posi-
tion. Place a supplied 1/4”lock washer, 1/4” flat wash-
er onto each supplied bolt.
Slide each assembly through the drilled hole and
through the slotted mounting bar.
Place another flat washer and a hex nut onto each
bolt. (As in picture above)
STEP 23(A): Under the driver’s side rear section
of the SUV.You need to remove the black vent.
Place a large flat blade between the vent lip and the
metal.There are two areas that have push clips. Push
these clips with the flat blade and pop out the vent.
STEP 23(B): With the vent removed, this is
going to allow access to the Stealthbox.
STEP 24: With help from a second person, place
the Stealthbox into mounting area.
STEP 21: Run speaker wire from the amplifier
location to the Stealthbox. Make sure that the
speaker wire is running over the mounting bar.
Double check the woofer for proper operation.
SB-N-ARMDA/10W6v2, JL AUDIO, Inc 2005
Sheet SKU#011193 Revision 5/26/2005Page 4
STEP 20: Replace the driver’s side rear cargo
panel, rear belts, driver’s side rear door sill plate back
inside the SUV from STEPs 5 - 11.