
STEP 7: With a 14mm socket, remove the dri-
ver’s side third row seat belt.
STEP 11: With a second person, carefully remove
the lower portion of the driver’s side rear panel.
When removing the bottom panel,
Do not let the guides that are found at the top of
the bottom panel scratch the upper panel.
Continued on Next Page
STEP 8: With a 14mm open end wrench,
remove the driver side second row seat belt.
STEP 12: With a 10mm socket, remove the 5
bolts that secure the jack bracket.
There are two bolts that are hidden, look down into
the bracket area locate them.
Remove the jack bracket out of the SUV.
STEP 9: Remove the driver’s side rear door sill
STEP 10: Remove the cargo net loop, that is
found on the driver’s side rear cargo side panel.
With a small flat blade screw driver, pop the front of
the button out. Remove the net loop assembly com-
pletely out of the panel.
SB-N-ARMDA/10W6v2, JL AUDIO, Inc 2005
Sheet SKU#011193 Revision 5/26/2005Page 2
STEP 13(A): Cut out the pocket and the jack pass through from the side panel.
Cut below the storage door guide slots.This way the door will still fit, if Stealthbox is
removed. Use tape for a cutting guide.