When adding engine coolant (antifreeze):
The manufacturer recommends using MOPAR
Antifreeze/Coolant 5 Year/100,000 Mile Formula
HOAT (Hybrid Organic Additive Technology).
Mix a minimum solution of 50% HOAT engine coolant
(antifreeze) and distilled water. Use higher concentra-
tions (not to exceed 70%) if temperatures below Ϫ34°F
(Ϫ37°C) are anticipated.
Use only high purity water such as distilled or deion-
ized water when mixing the water/engine coolant
(antifreeze) solution. The use of lower quality water
will reduce the amount of corrosion protection in the
engine cooling system.
Please note that it is the owner’s responsibility to main-
tain the proper level of protection against freezing ac-
cording to the temperatures occurring in the area where
the vehicle is operated.
NOTE: Mixing engine coolant (antifreeze) types will
decrease the life of the engine coolant (antifreeze) and
will require more frequent engine coolant (antifreeze)
Cooling System Pressure Cap
The cap must be fully tightened to prevent loss of
coolant, and to ensure that coolant will return to the
radiator from the coolant recovery bottle.
The cap should be inspected and cleaned if there is any
accumulation of foreign material on the sealing surfaces.