Tire pressure may increase from 2 to 6 psi (13 to 40 kPa)
during operation. DO NOT reduce this normal pressure
build-up, or your tire pressure will be too low.
Tire Pressures For High Speed Operation
The manufacturer advocates driving at safe speeds
within posted speed limits. Where speed limits or condi-
tions are such that the vehicle can be driven at high
speeds, maintaining correct tire inflation pressure is very
important. Increased tire pressure and reduced vehicle
loading may be required for high-speed vehicle opera-
tion. Refer to original equipment or an authorized tire
dealer for recommended safe operating speeds, loading
and cold tire inflation pressures.
High speed driving with your vehicle at or above
maximum load is dangerous. The added strain on
your tires could cause them to fail. You could have a
serious accident. Do not drive a vehicle loaded to the
maximum capacity at continuous speeds above
75 mph (120 km/h).
Radial-Ply Tires
Combining radial ply tires with other types of tires
on your vehicle will cause your vehicle to handle
poorly. The instability could cause an accident. Al-
ways use radial tires in sets of four. Never combine
them with other types of tires.